October 17, 2020

Aloha Everyone. We hope that everyone is safe and in good health. Our prayers go out to everyone. Earlier this year, we were all hoping that COVID-19 would go as quickly as it came. But here it is, over six months have past and COVID-19 is still with us.

At the Reunion Committee Zoom Meeting the following were discussed:
*    Restatement of the reunion event to September 3, 2022.
*    Kalani Nakoa is working on the classmate listing. Please provide Kalani an update of your information to:  [email protected].
*    Recognizing classmates that are no longer with us by adding a Memorial page and a slide show with music and photos.
*    Suggestions made to establish other social media accounts, i.e. Instagram.
*    Suggest using Constant Contact or MailChimp to make mass contact with those on the classmate list.
*    Location suggestions:  Pacific Club, Honolulu Country Club, Cannon Club & Okinawan Cultural Center
*    Suggest we have a one-hour Virtual Reunion in 2021, which may cost a nominal amount to participate.
*    Next meeting:  January 23, 2021 at 5:30 pm on Zoom.

July 2020 Reunion Committee Meeting

Reunion Update

Aloha Everyone.  I hope this finds everyone safe and in good health.  Our prayers go out to everyone.

At the July 2020 Reunion Committee Zoom Meeting, we began discussions on whether or not we should continue the scheduled reunion dinner for September 4, 2021, or to entertain the possibility of moving it to September 3, 2022, in light of where everything might be with COVID-19.  If you have suggestions or comments that you would like the committee to be aware of, please let us know via email at [email protected] or on Facebook.  Or, if you know a committee member's email, simply drop them a line and they will forward the message to the entire committee.

Our next committee meeting is scheduled for September 26, 2020.  Please everyone, stay safe.

50th Class Reunion - 2022

We are planning a number of events that will give us the ability to get together on a number of occasions leading to the finale of our 50th Reunion Dinner on Saturday, September 4, 2021.   As of October 2020, the reunion dinner is scheduled for September 3, 2022, due to COVID-19.

We will be taking polls and surveys to determine how many individuals are interested in attending our scheduled events.  Please, if you see something that your would like to participate in, let us know.  We do not have dates, pending a possible head count.  These events include:
     Wine Tasting
     Beach Day / Picnic
     Japan Trip
     Las Vegas Trip
     Tour of the Campus

Please send any updated information to [email protected].  We will send out information as it becomes available.

20th Class Reunion

Held September 7, 1991 at Hawaiian Regent Hotel.

25th Class Reunion

Held at the Hale Koa Hotel 

30th Class Reunion

Held at the Honolulu Country Club

45th Class Reunion

Attended by those that were able to make the trip.
Held in Las Vegas, Nevada